The school year in Canada: similarities and differences regarding classes in Spain In case your child attends a school...
What is it like to go to class in a high school in the USA?
Main characteristics of studying a school year in the United States An ocean and many kilometers separate us from the...
How do I register my child in a school year in Ireland?
This is how registration works to study a school year in Ireland If you are reading this article it is because, most...
How to prepare for my school year abroad?
School year abroad, an unforgettable experience for which you have to be prepared With time, the adventure of studying...
How are internees in England inside?
We show you how are boarding schools, the best interns in England and the world Education in the United Kingdom has...
12 English words with strange origins
The English language is a curious mixture of words from around the world, forged over millennia of invasions, wars,...
New year, new language? 8 Tips to achieve it
If you are looking for the perfect purpose to make 2019 the best year to date, you have come to the right place:...
4 reasons to send your son or daughter abroad
Every day parents are saying goodbye to their children at the boarding gates of the whole world and wondering how they...
5 cities that take care of the environment
April 22 is the Day of the Environment, an important day in which we celebrate our planet and we recognize everything...
English test Which is better to do?
You want to take an English level test to get a certification of your level, but you have no idea which one is right...